Here's the kitchen during the day-- cooking in progress...

The dining room that morning... the other guests will sit at another table in the entry hall..

The turkey was a natural, free-range locally-raised bird from Alexander Family Farm in Del Valle, TX. Honestly I couldn't tell the difference between it and any other bird (I brine all my birds of course.) However, I need to think about the pros and cons: a local bird has fewer petroleum miles, but it was more than triple the price. $3.25 a pound!

Here's the "kids' table" in the entry hall, after the majority of dinner is done.

Fred and Nathalie enjoy a good laugh.

After dinner everyone gathered in the kitchen for a dessert buffet.


Jana and Aven.

Jack, Vinnie and Mitch.

After all the eating, a nap is a good thing...

Then, before Fred left, a little fashion show. (It's really Nathalie's coat)

Mitch was a champion at cleanup. The lovely crystal pitcher was a gift from my dear friend Kevin Williamson.