Thursday, March 01, 2012

Reader question about subscribing....

I'm so illiterate when it comes to this stuff. Can anyone help? This reader sent me the following question and I don't have a clue!

"I just came accross your blog and love it!!! Is there a way I can subscribe to it so
I get your posts in my email?"



JayB said...

The best thing that I have found (for me at least) is an aggregate blog "reader", like Google Reader. Then, all you have to do is copy and paste the web/blog address in the reader and violins!!! Non-stop Georgette, Meerkatsu, Slidey and the like all in one place.


JAB said...

Should be an option (gadget) for subscribers. You will need to add it to your blog.

Jiujitsunista said...

There is a gadget you can add to your blog... It is a button to subscribe by email.

Once you add it to your blog, they just type in their email address and click submit.

Georgette said...

After looking into it, I decided not to offer this option, because I like to know what readers are looking for, how long they stay, what they find interesting and how they get to my site :) Sorry :)