I'm so illiterate when it comes to this stuff. Can anyone help? This reader sent me the following question and I don't have a clue!
"I just came accross your blog and love it!!! Is there a way I can subscribe to it so
I get your posts in my email?"
The best thing that I have found (for me at least) is an aggregate blog "reader", like Google Reader. Then, all you have to do is copy and paste the web/blog address in the reader and violins!!! Non-stop Georgette, Meerkatsu, Slidey and the like all in one place.
Should be an option (gadget) for subscribers. You will need to add it to your blog.
There is a gadget you can add to your blog... It is a button to subscribe by email.
Once you add it to your blog, they just type in their email address and click submit.
After looking into it, I decided not to offer this option, because I like to know what readers are looking for, how long they stay, what they find interesting and how they get to my site :) Sorry :)
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