So, the UFC booked Team Lloyd Irvin fighter James Vick for the first Fox Sports 1 show.
He's still training in Camp Springs. Here's a pic from yesterday, also found here.
If you think the UFC shouldn't be supporting this, tweet Dana (@danawhite) asking him why he'd have a Team Lloyd Irvin fighter on television presumably with Lloyd Irvin in his corner, further legitimizing Lloyd's attempt to sweep everything under the rug.
Yeah, shame on the UFC. They cut fighters for all and no reasons, why is this guy signed then?
whats wrong with signing a lloyd irving fighter that man himself hasnt done something
He's still affiliated with TLI. There have to be consequences for choices. If you choose to affiliate yourself with someone like Lloyd Irvin, you tar yourself with the same brush. Why doesn't he leave, join another camp, connect himself with someone he can respect and be proud of, instead of someone who ranked #1 on the list "Ten Most Unlikeable Characters in MMA"--
Well, then, I guess the internet better quit reading my blog...
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