Today, the Hillsborough Southern District Court conducted a hearing on Batista's motion in limine (seeking an evidentiary ruling from the court limiting the admissibility of some evidence, held in advance of a trial.) He was also, from what I am told, trying to get a few charges dismissed.
His motion was denied, but the court granted the motion for an incident alleged to have taken place in another case in Lowell, MA. So he appears to possibly be facing charges now in 3 different communities and 2 different states. He still has all 16 charges in New Hampshire. I believe trial is set for June 9.
The court's website is not the easiest to use, but a look at the cached copy of the docket PDF indicates that his cause number is 226-2013-CR-00423, State v. Aldo Batista Dos Santos. The prosecutor is David C. Tencza and the defense attorney is Timothy E. Bush.
Information supporting his arrest warrant was obtained that Dos Santos had sexually assaulted an underage female who was known to him. The investigation was furthered by Detectives in the Youth Services Division. The subsequent investigation led to the issuance of an arrest warrant for Dos Santos.
The local news coverage indicates that, as a result of the investigation additional charges were brought forth. Dos Santos is currently charged with: one count of aggravated felonious sexual assault, a class A felony; one count of felonious sexual assault, a class B felony; and four counts of sexual assault, a class A misdemeanor.
Batista was also arrested by Hudson Police on a warrant charging him with one count of aggravated felonious sexual assault, a class A felony. The arrest warrant is the result of an investigation conducted by the Hudson and Nashua Police Criminal Investigation Divisions from alleged incidents that occurred in 2012 involving a minor.
The aggravated felonious sexual assault charge is punishable by up to 20 years in the New Hampshire State Prison, exclusive of fines. The class B felony is punishable by up to seven years in the New Hampshire State Prison, exclusive of fines. Each class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in a county house of corrections, exclusive of fines.
Batista was released on $25,000 cash bail. He was arraigned at the 9th Circuit-District Division-Nashua Court on June 6, 2013.
Naga North American Grappling Association and/or Nationwide--These types of organizations needs to discontinue representing individuals that has criminal charges pending against them. We need to get a group going---to send a strong message that this type of business tactics are unacceptable. How can an organization represent an individual that sexually assaulted a child? This type of crime is an epidemic. To then post pictures of the individual on their website....with kids. Sending the wrong message...saying is ok to sexually assault a child and continue business as usual. Aldo Batista Dos Santos has 16 charges pending against him...for sexual abuse of a minor. We need to make it very clear to these organizations that this type of behavior unacceptable...or have their organization hindered for accepting this type of behavior. It is time for this association be held accountable for promoting criminals.
What is up with all this jiujitsu related rape stuff happening? I work out in Seoul Korea and there's a jiujitsu teacher here who has allegedly raped several of his female students.
His name is Hee Sung Lee and he's the head instructor of Korea BJJ Academy by Ehwa University (all women's school)under Axis BJJ.
Everybody knows he's done it, but they can't prove it because the girls are so ashamed of what happened that they won't go to the police. I think it's a cultural thing. :(
From what I've heard, he pushes the girls into letting him give them rides home if he likes them. Then he rapes them.
I don't understand why this kind of stuff keeps happening at jiujitsu schools. I heard that letters have even been sent to Axis Japan but he's still teaching and girls just cycle in and cycle out of his gym. ㅠㅠ
Guilty on all 12 counts.
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