I can't think of a better way to spend a long weekend than enjoying the company of close girlfriends. During my time in grad school I met two wonderful women, Shelley and Janet. They're my "sistas from anotha motha." We formed the nucleus of "The Committee" back then, and I'm lucky to still be invited to regular Committee meetings-- once a year on Presidents' Day weekend, we get together for quality girl time. This year we met at Janet's house in Richmond VA.
Possibly my favorite part of my time there was spent with Janet's daughter Reagan. She's precious! Of course she loves roses, what girl doesn't?

Reagan loves to play dress-up. Yes, Janet had to put on frilly stuff, even before she helped Reagan with hers...

Which meant that Shelley and I had to get dolled up, too.

Janet may have been dressed like a princess, but she danced like a hootchie-mama :)

But we didn't get to meet Reagan right off the bat. Shelley and I both arrived on Friday night. We spent the evening gabbing, snacking, and enjoying some red wine together.
Saturday was very relaxing-- Janet, her guy David, and I went to the gym while Shelley caught up on some sleep (she has a toddler at home too.) Janet made fabulous panini sandwiches-- lemon chicken, artichoke hearts, and provolone on panini bread, grilled to perfection. After showering, we gals headed to the mall for a makeover, a little shopping, and professional portraits. After grabbing a quick dinner we went to a microbrewery to celebrate Janet's 31st birthday with some friends of hers from work.
That's Shelley on the left, me, and Janet on the right.

Nothing like an enthusiastic hug from a best friend to set you right.

Why is Shelley on the phone? Aren't we letting her get a word in edgewise?

In this picture, Shelley and I were were sticking our tongues out at each other. I shut my eyes, and Shelley leaned in and TOUCHED MY TONGUE! I opened my eyes right as the photo was taken. We got an even bigger laugh out of it when we realized Janet was introducing us to her (far right-wing Republican politico) friends at exactly that moment. "And these are my friends from school, Shelley and Georget........" Guess they realized we weren't far right-wing Republicans like Janet :)

A good time was had by all, especially Janet who wanted to party the night away. Shelley and I were just too pooped to stay past one, though, so we dragged her home.
Sunday was great too. We didn't hit the gym; instead we were treated to a yummy pre-breakfast of homemade bruschetta, then we cruised out for a late brunch at Baker's Crust. Whoa-- what a great salad-- spinach, blue cheese, walnuts, apples, vinaigrette... then we had crepes for dessert, while Janet and Shelley appreciated the scenery. What was he, 23 years old? maybe 24? LOL. Unfortunately where I was sitting I could only see the gentleman to my right, with the lovely addition to his visage. Be happy I didn't get a photo.
Anyway, we wanted pedicures but couldn't find any salons open that were in our price range, so we headed home and took a much-appreciated nap. When we awoke, Reagan came over briefly for the romp and dress-up you saw above. We took her back to her daddy's house and settled in to make dinner. David came over and shared our grilled salmon, steak, corn on the cob, garlic bread, and salad. It definitely seems like we did nothing but talk and eat all weekend-- but no complaints here!
Unfortunately the weekend came to an end much too early-- to the tune of 4am! Shelley and I left on 6am flights, bright and early Monday morning.
Thanks, ladies, for yet another wonderful weekend soaking up good conversation, good advice, good times. I love you!