Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Hillary Williams and Braulio Estima, sitting in a tree....

Liam, the Part-Time Grappler, has done an outstanding interview with Hillary Williams and I have to admit, after reading her comments I feel rather small and... well, what's the adjective meaning you waste time? Time-wasterish?

I'm probably just reacting to the last two days of not training-- Saturday hardly counts since I only did 2 hrs of class, then nada, nothing on Sunday or Monday. I feel all right, just horribly stuffed up (Sunday and yesterday) and now it's in my chest making me rattle and wheeze like an old accordion. I feel well enough to train if I pushed myself, but with so many fights and tournaments coming up, I don't want to get someone else sick. So... I sit at home, actually getting work for work done, and eat. But at least I get to read cool blogs.

And as for Braulio, and Hillary, in a tree? Nah, that was just a joke :) Here's a Braulio highlight for you...

So watch this next one, Braulio v Tarsis, and inform my ignorance, please... only 6 min, so not points.. what's the sub? it was not a DQ for stalling, I don't see the ref do the DQ arms-crossed thing. Tell me what happened!

And here's a beautiful armbar, again from Braulio..

And last but not least, from BJJ Grrl-- a reminder on an escape from side that I rarely try for but should...

And then drilling was… a better escape from under side control. *And there was much rejoicing…* Exactly what I’ve been trying to remember, too: when you’re turned on your side facing away from them, take a large and far step with your top leg, roll so your top arm is down on the mat, post on that arm and the trailing leg, and then sit through, toward them, like a baseball slide, ending in half or full guard. Other details: tuck elbow and knee together when rolled over to protect your elbow and lapels; as you post, lay the other arm along the mat to block their knee coming in; be sure to step far enough to bring your hips over and out so you actually get space into which you can turn (it’s not just rolling over in place — it’s more like a hitchhiker or thread-the-needle side control escape).


Liam H Wandi said...

Thank you G! Time spent resting when you need it is time well-spent. I'm sure Hillary would agree :)

A.D. McClish said...

Haha, I read that interview and felt the same way: inspired to get off my butt and work harder!

Anonymous said...

braulio is incredible

Meerkatsu said...

I can't think of two more inspiring examples of jitsuka - apart from Roger, and ok I have a lot of BJJ Heroes, but they are two who are top of the tree.

Have you checked out Braulio's instructionals on Cagefilm?
Or his DVD?

I keep wanting to review his DVD ever since I picked it up at the British Open but haven't got round to it yet. I did speed through a couple of chapters. Braulio is such a good explainer of moves, especially all the unseen details.

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Thank you..... It so incredible :)