It's not that I actively want shorter hair, I don't. I love my hair and I loved it more when there was more of it. In other words, a year ago, before jiu jitsu destroyed it. (see these next couple of pictures) I have probably lost half my hair-- breakage due to ponytail rubberbands, braiding, getting stuck in triangles, getting yanked, straining to pull out of guillotines, getting stepped on and torn out during standing guard passes (no joke!) etc. It's breaking my heart and I almost feel like cutting in shorter might save it from strain.
Go for it! But if you do it, you should donate your locks to charity to make a wig for cance patients. I think that's the coolest thing. It would be a trip to see you with shourt hair! Plus, unlike a lot of radical moves, you can always go back to the way it was before.
Go for it! But if you do it, you should donate your locks to charity to make a wig for cance patients. I think that's the coolest thing. It would be a trip to see you with shourt hair! Plus, unlike a lot of radical moves, you can always go back to the way it was before.
100% donate that hair to locks-for-love or another charity.
I'm sure you can find a do that doesn't make you look like a lesbo. =P
+3 on donate to Locks of Love.
go for it! been cotemplating on doing the same thing. my hair is such a mess since i started in BJJ!
I am getting it cut today! I'm thinking like the half-naked girl's. Only I'll keep my clothes on.
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