Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Blackbelt number 29....

One of my favorite instructors and mentors in this wonderful sport is Josh Lauber. He's the instructor/owner of Relson Gracie San Antonio, and I'm lucky to call him my friend as well. Josh is a little guy, so he always has some useful tidbits to share with me about fighting bigger opponents. Not that I can't learn from long-limbed peeps as well-- but there's a certain amount of street cred when the advice is coming from someone who feels my pain.

Josh in the middle... Relson on the right, and Relson's son Rhalan on the left.

Josh focuses on old school, traditional, core basic techniques and the number one thing I hear from him when he corners me at tournaments is "Close your guard Georgette!" I love having him corner me because I can always hear his voice and he's always very encouraging. And-- he taught me my first sweep. (Not the first sweep I was taught... but the first sweep I truly incorporated and pulled off with regularity.)

Mike Calimbas of just did a really nice interview with Josh about getting his blackbelt from Relson. You should definitely check it out.

Congrats, Josh, on being Relson's blackbelt number 29!!! :) :)


A.D. McClish said...

I love it when I can pick the brain of a small, advanced grappler! And I love watching them roll. It gives me hope that one day I will suck less. ;)

Tree Frog said...

This is going to sound terrible, but I'll put it out there:

I thought the interview was vastly more of an infomercial for the Gracies, rather than an insightful look at Lauber's life and experiences.

It didn't resonate in my head like I thought it would, given the subject and the people involved...

Liam H Wandi said...

Love it! I really enjoy and learn lots from Eddie Kone. He's a small black belt with a huge heart and a very very technical game. It's like watching a Saulo DVD, with added details!