Compilation of beginner FAQs and do's/don't's lists
BJJGrrl on training as and with a woman
Things to know about beginning BJJ as a woman
Aesopian's Quick and Dirty Beginners' BJJ Primer
Allie's advice for beginners regarding soreness and bruising
Clinzy's advice on training with women or training as a woman
Advice for your First Competition
Tips for Calming Before and During Tournaments
Competition Mindset
Why Compete
So you're going to do your first tournament-- by Science of Skill
DirtyRancher's Q and A on competing
Reviews of Gis for Women
On a Tournament Game by BJJGrrl
Gameplan and Strategery for Tournaments
Women and BJJ by BJJGrrl
Aesopian's Nuggets of Advice
Advice for women on training when you're having your period.
A great four-part series about what to expect when your child does their first tournament, by Jen at Family Mat-ters.
Part one.
Part two.
Part three.
Part four.