Monday, January 30, 2012


Some entertaining "self defense" seminar highlights, found posted on today...


JCC-CSV said...

Aw, man! That guy has a defense to my dancing, wrist-only attack style. :(

The Happy Grappler said...

Thank you for giving me such a great midday laugh!

Seriously though, with the number of hypercritical and overly skeptical people these days, you wouldnt think that so many folk would be so gullible!!

I guess thats what happens when you practice with a non resisting opponent.

Marie said...

Hmmm, when dealing with multiple attackers, I like to start with The Elaine. If they're really good, I'll cabbage patch, and one time, ONE TIME, I had to open up a can of Electric Slide. Much blood was shed that day.

Powering Through said...

Thanks for sharing interpretive dance routines!

Anonymous said...

rex kwan do!

Deborah Clem said...

Awesome hilarity. I kept thinking, yeah right, all the people I have fought at work move JUST LIKE THAT. Lol!!!