Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Cool interview with Abmar Barbosa.... and some Mendes Brothers for dessert...

Check out SubmissionControl's interview with Abmar Barbosa here...

And if you're in San Diego, seriously-- go train with those Mendes boys.  They are both training 3x a day at Atos San Diego, Andre Galvao's gym, getting ready for the Pan.

2009 World Pro Cup finals, Rafa Mendes v. Cobrinha:

Rafa v. Bruno Malfacine, looks like ADCC 2011...

Rafa v. Guilherme, 2010 World Pro Cup finals:


Ryan said...

Those Mendes bros. are just too good!!!!

Brendan said...

They are disgusting. I hope we can get them to Chicago SOON!