Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Blue belts quit. Purples take layoffs.

Hey everyone!  Can you believe it?   It's been roughly four years since I last trained. And... I'm back!

 This is me right after my first gi class, yesterday at lunch. 

I kind of figured I might start blogging again, too. . . I finally have something to talk about. I felt like I was saying the same stuff over and over again, before...

So, now, I think (maybe) I'll be talking about sustainable jiu jitsu for the older, more-sore, physically banged up group. I'm turning 50 in August. I've survived breast cancer and a mastectomy and all the plastic surgeries associated with that... then a while after I last trained in Dallas, I rolled over in bed and herniated a disc at L5-S1, and I survived a very successful microdiscectomy surgery that made me pain-free.

But then the pandemic happened and I've gained 30 lbs due to me being a lazy butt. I'm happy with my work and happy with the house I bought, happy with my dog... but not happy with the weight or the lack of something I'm passionate about. So let's talk about all those things, and a funny saying I heard at the gym today...

Blue belts quit.  Purple belts just take layoffs. 

Let's talk about layoffs and coming back and getting older.

Happy to be back and happy you're here!

..edited to add...  I looked around at my blog list and WOW, lots of BJJ bloggers not bloggin' no more. 

I'll tell you one of my FAVORITE jiu jitsu guys that I lost track of YEARS ago... Dev! Devlin! of "Fueled by Fear" fame (yes, some of my oldest gis still have his patch on them.)  He moved to somewhere in South America with his wife, working for the US Govt... and we lost touch.

His blog was Fueled by Fear, I wish I knew where he was. If anyone knows feel free to comment please!

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