Monday, July 12, 2010

Evil, wicked workouts for fighters...

I want to call a little attention to my buddy Mark, who writes The Bat Dojo. Mark's a purple under Collin Grayson and Marcelo Garcia up near Dallas. Not only is he a network security whiz (with HILARIOUS stories about the neighbors' use of his honeypot wifi) and a very talented photographer (with hundreds, it seems, of hot women friends who beg him to do boudoir and nightclub shots!)... but he's got a tight grappling game, a great aptitude for teaching, and more energy and motivation to train than almost anyone I know.

Recently, he started this blog to talk about his at-home training facility a/k/a The Bat Dojo, and about his torture/exercise plans. Read this latest post of his describing a workout. I really like the fact that he includes shots of the scene and the victims.

Makes me tired just reading it.

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